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  • war_fckptn_theme

    We'll make it short: the message is clear, we donate the entire profit of this motive to the DRK or another organization that helps the refugees of this war. Do you want to help even more? Here is a list of all possible associations that want to help:!5838914/ You can find out all the information about the war from Alex on the […]

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  • 47_Gatekeeper_Motive

    The guardian of the earthly spheres protects those who are called to higher things. With wisdom (raven) and strength (deer) he ensures that only the selected souls get into the higher sphere. The gatekeeper's sword judges those souls who defy him and try arrogantly to advance into the higher spheres. The worthy souls act in [...]

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  • TLP_Male

    Show your connection to sport and your club with this logo shirt. Nobody asks you if you are in a club! You wear it proudly on your chest! You can find TLP Airsoft eV in the Straubing-Regensburg area with a playing field in Regenstauf. From 18 to 60 every airsoft enthusiast is welcome - because only the fun [...]

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  • 51_vegvisir-pure_motive

    - NOW WITH MORE ROOM FOR YOUR OWN MOTTO - In the 19th century a mysterious manuscript was created - the so-called Huld manuscript. It is a collection of magical symbols and seals that are said to have originated in pre-Christian times. To represent the symbol, there is also a brief description of the purpose of use: “If [...]

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  • KK31_Venus_WABougereau_Motiv

    There are many depictions of the birth of Venus. Like this one by WA Bougereau from the year 1879. Actually it is 3 x 2,15 meters - but we thought it should also fit on your chest! Therefore, we have created the Cypriot newborn baby in the right size and herewith for you [...]

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  • 102_dragonheart_theme

    Even dragons don't start sitting on the Goldberg ... There is always time needed for development - you know yourself. We have therefore released this motif as an expression of this inner strength and attitude, which was previously only reserved for the little ones at Jungbluth! But here finally the dragon as a Spirit Animal or Support Animal [...]

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  • 100-BMKindergarten_Motive

    Finally say what's up! The favorite music genre can also announce what is going on. Why always just talk about it? Black metal is close to nature, direct, blunt. We tried to capture that with this shirt. ... and of course a wink shouldn't be missing - you just can't see it under the corpse paint [...]

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  • KK30_Domenico_Motive

    Portrait of Monsignor Giovanni Battista Agucchi (~ 1621) Domenico Zampieri * October 1581 (Bologna) | † April 1641 (Naples) The portrait of Bishop GB Agucchi was painted by his friend and painter Domenico Zampieri. Because of this friendship, an intimate look into the life of a bishop is possible. At work, reading attentively, only briefly looking up at the viewer, [...]

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  • pa_01-ts_motif

    We are happy to announce a special cooperation! We have teamed up with great photographers and not only want to make classic art wearable on textiles, but also contemporary photography! What would the world be without rituals? Some drink a coffee early, others do yoga or beat their neighbors for uncut hedge ...

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  • GORF_motif

    GORF – what else?! The special shirt, only available for a short time! Gorf'n'action at: Hold on! GORF is forever, but the shirt is only available for a few days!

    26,89  - 29,41  VAT included
  • 46_DayandnightBL_Motif

    Now also available in black! The motif shows a scene by day and by night: A deer is drinking peacefully from a lake in the forest, a huge sun is standing directly behind him and a wood elf is protecting the picture on the top left. Its reflection in the water shows the scene in a much more demonic way: the deer [...]

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  • BN_PaGu03_FF_Male

    Dreaming, floating and close to yourself and your art. Also the latest motif from Patty Gurdy – one of the most famous hurdy-gurdy players of our time. Your new EP Frost & Faeries so celebrate with us and your fans! We are happy to sell your merch with us. A few years back the German […]

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  • 97_Heroes-Darwin_Motive

    Charles Robert Darwin (* 1809, † 1882) widely known as a British naturalist. Evolution and he are inextricably linked in today's world. As a scientist and researcher, he has made a significant contribution to how we understand the world today. Charles Darwin's journey on the HMS Beagle, which lasted almost five years, took him around the world. In the style [...]

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  • 89_heirandheron_motif

    The heiress and the heron - nature and man in one. In the style of the '20s and Art Nouveau, we see this motif as a unity of luxury of the time and the closeness to nature, which is often evoked by art. The heron was already regarded as a sacred animal in ancient times. especially in […]

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  • 90_Sigil_Astaroth_Motif

    The name of this demon is of Phoenician-Semitic origin; originally the female Babylonian goddess Ištar, who first became the West Semitic goddess Astarte and then later the male demon Astaroth. Allegedly, his soul and body were fused with those of the goddess Astarte (presumably to explain what happened mythologically over the centuries). Lucifer, however, offered him a [...]

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  • 91_Sigil_Sytri_Motive

    Sytri, also called Sitri or Bitru, must be the most passionate demon of all. Although it does not necessarily have to take a female form - it is equally there for both genders and helps everyone to fulfill their sexual desires. Sie -or He always appears with a leopard head and the wings of a griffin, but can take on seductive shapes. [...]

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  • 92_Sigil_Valac_Motive

    Valac, Volak or also called Ualak, has a disturbing figure: In the Ars Goetia this demon is described as a small child with angel wings who rides a terrifying two-headed dragon. But Valac is also one of the few demons of Ars Goetia who have made it into a modern mass medium - albeit in a somewhat [...]

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  • 93_Sigil_Marbas_Motive

    Marbas, sometimes also called Barbas, is an extremely powerful demon with versatile abilities. It appears in the form of a huge lion that is able to spread diseases and heal them again. But not only that: He can transform people, teach his conjurer in mechanical or secret things - architecture is also included [...]

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  • dontletmusicdie_preview

    The Corona crisis hit us all hard. We have never before faced a comparable global challenge. Of the far-reaching measures that were adopted to contain COVID-19, the music and event industry was the first and very hard hit. Everything cultural that makes our life diverse, colorful and worth living is existentially threatened. We still know [...]

    29,41  VAT included
  • KK10_Vogeler-rotemarie_Motiv

    Rote Marie (1919) Heinrich Vogeler * December 12, 1872 (Bremen) | † June 14, 1942 (Kolchos Budjonny near Kornejewka) The “Rote Marie” had a real name: Her name was Marie Griesbach (married Marie Hundt) and was a German revolutionary, anthroposophist and poet. She grew up in Dresden, where she worked as a member of the board of the youth education association and [...]

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  • KK28_HJDraper-Icarus_Motive

    The Lament for Icarus (1898) Herbert James Draper * 1863 (London) | † 1920 Herbert James Draper was an English Victorian era painter. He learned his trade at the Royal Academy in London and “The Lament of Icarus” from 1898 is one of his most important works. It won at the World Exhibition in 1900 […]

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  • KK27_GvMax_AKE_Motiv

    The ecstatic virgin Katharina Emmerich (1885) Gabriel Cornelius von Max * 23 August 1840 in Prague | † November 24, 1915 in Munich Von Max held a professorship at the Munich Academy from 1879 to 1883. In his works, which are close to symbolism, he often processed parapsychological phenomena, spiritism, hypnotism, but also Darwin's natural science or [...]

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  • KK18_Gogh_Starry_Motif

    Starry Night Over the Rhone (1888) French Nuit étoilée sur le Rhône Vincent Van Gogh * March 30, 1853 in Groot-Zundert | † July 29, 1890 in Auvers-sur-Oise Starry Night Over the Rhone was created before Van Gogh's stay in the mental hospital, in which the much better known “Starry Night” was later to emerge. To see [...]

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  • KK20_Lautrec-YWRH__Motif

    Young Woman with Red Hair (1889) Henri Marie Raymond de Toulouse-Lautrec-Monfa * November 24, 1864 (Albi) | † September 9, 1901 (Malromé Castle, Gironde) Lautrec comes from the venerable dynasty of the Counts of Toulouse, who achieved a special position during the Crusades but no longer played a political role during the painter's lifetime and withdrew in

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  • 51_vegvisir_BL_bag

    In the 19th century a mysterious manuscript was created - the so-called Huld manuscript. It is a collection of magical symbols and seals that are said to have originated in pre-Christian times. To represent the symbol there is also a brief description of the purpose of use: “If this symbol is worn, one will never find oneself in storms or [...]

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