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CONGOROO inspire with expressive alterna grunge rock.
When it's at its worst, crank it up! That's the motto of the 4 alterna grunge nerds from Congoroo from hall. After some reluctance, naivety and downright correctness in the past, here comes a band that can no longer contain itself: Raw, pent-up energies shape their strong songs and show unfiltered emotions. What flows through the mixer here has a lot of melancholy and anger in it and is still surprisingly catchy and beautiful.

CONGOROO inspire with expressive alterna grunge rock. When it's at its worst, crank it up! That's the motto of the 4 alterna grunge nerds from Congoroo from hall. After some reluctance, naivety and downright correctness in the past, here comes a band that can no longer contain itself: Raw, pent-up energies shape their strong songs and show unfiltered emotions. What flows through the mixer here has a lot of melancholy and anger in it and is still surprisingly catchy and beautiful.
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